Tuesday, November 3, 2015

October Photography Challenge: Days 16-31

The last half of this month was super busy and flew by! I only just managed to get the rest of the pictures for the challenge. The second half was much more challenging for me ... the creative juices weren't trickling very quickly.

 16. something pretty

17. a smile

18. the sky today

19. pumpkins

20. a treat

21. autumn

22. something you love

This room! It's so sunny (when it's sunny out) and it makes me happy.

23. what you ate

25. apples

26. your shoes

27. something old

28. shadows

28. throwback

29. out the window

30. anything you like

31. a picture of you


  1. I Love the pictures Victoria : ) Seeing the items around the house such as the old white tractor makes me very homesick. You did a good job considering the busy schedule..love you, Mom

  2. Aw, that wonderful tree! I used to climb it all the time. I love the "something you love" picture. It does look very sunny and cheerful.
