When moving up or down octaves on the piano, Sarah 'migrates Northward ... or Southward.' I don't know where she comes up with these things.
Upon playing a part of the song from his book, my clever high-school student asked, "Did I do that right?" I replied in the affirmative, "Yep, you did." "Well, that's new," he said.

I asked one of my young students why intervals like these were called 2nds. I hoped the reply to be, "Because the two notes are right next to each other." However, his reply was, "Because they're not 3rds."
Sometimes it can be hard not to laugh ... not because I'm laughing at them, but just because things crack me up. I mentioned to one student about slowing down at a certain section of the song. She asked me, "Do I get slower on the right hand or the left hand?" I must admit, the thought of even trying that has never, ever crossed my mind!
As we were getting ready to play a duet one week, Mason asked me seriously, "Did you win a champion on the piano?" It was a struggle to answer him just as seriously, "No, I haven't." But it was one of the best compliments I've ever received!
One day I was headed into the office to get Mason for his lesson, and I heard our youth director (who teases kids mercilessly) say, "I don't know who Miss Toria is. Pastor, do you know who Miss Toria is?"
Of course, my heart melted at the fact that Mason called me "Miss Toria."
Pastor chuckled a little bit and then continued the teasing, "Mason, I want you to play in church on Sunday. Can you do that?"
"Nope. Sorry."
That was his very decided answer.
Sometimes I ask students to say the notes as they play. Some of them haven't mastered the art of 'saying' the notes... instead they sing them. Mason in particular has to always be on the pitch of what he's playing. So when he plays one octave higher, it is quite something to hear him sing (or rather, squeak) those high notes. But he's 5, so he can still get that high. I'm not sure what will happen as he gets older...
And the silliest thing ... when one of my favorite students played nearly a whole song ... and then stopped before the last measure to scoot up her bench. It struck me as quite ridiculous and it was a struggle not to laugh!